Gavin Bunshaw, Co-founder and Co-CEO of DB Results Profile

Gavin Bunshaw
Co-founder and Co-CEO of DB Results

Gavin Bunshaw, Co-founder and Co-CEO of DB Results, Certificate

“Building Business with Technology & People”

DB Results, as the name implies, is focused on achieving outstanding business results and outcomes. Their ability to remain focused on the end goal has enabled them to ensure that they deliver maximum value to organizations, the industries they operate in, and their people. “Solution delivery is in our DNA and this strength coupled with our deep understanding of business, technology and people results in us targeting our creative thoughts, innovative mindset and wealth of experience at solving problems effectively,” says Gavin Bunshaw, founder and CEO of DB Results. “We look to keep the following three pillars in balance. These are, Our Customers where we aim to exceed expectations, Our People where we hire the best and provide them with the tools, opportunity, and support to get the best out of themselves, and Our Quality where we invest heavily in tools, methodology, research and development, learning and development and are proud to put our names next to any work we do.”

The pandemic has resulted in a need for CEOs who are resilient, creative about opportunities, flexible, empathetic, and have very strong Business Management skills. CEOs' ability to be innovative and to communicate a strong direction, see the opportunity for their organizations and lead by example is critical. Gavin Bunshaw is one of these CEO. He has a wonderful ability to take complex issues and problems and simplify them and how they are addressed. He constantly thinks outside the box, and his wealth of experience solving business and societal issues for customers and DB Results has enabled the company to excel in these tough times.

"Gavin Bunshaw is one of these CEO. He has a wonderful ability to take complex issues and problems and simplify them and how they are addressed”.

Gavin Bunshaw and Andrew Dean (Co-Founders of DB Results) are a great team and completely aligned on values and the purpose of DB Results. They are generous investors in beneficial societal initiatives and astute business people who don’t look at short-term outcomes but focus much more on sustainable outcomes and operational models for change. This generosity has resulted in DB Results driving significant societal changes in Wellness and Health.

DB Results was created because there was a major advisory gap in the industry created by consulting companies focused on billing for effort and not for results. Unfortunately, this quite oftn meant that you felt that they were doing it to you rather than doing it with you as a customer. DB Results was specifically created to be that company that differentiated itself by focusing on the Customer desired outcome. The result was a company with an unparalleled reputation for being easy to work with, always delivering on commitments, and driving major transformations in organizations, industry, and society.

“Organisations needed a business partner that they could trust who could not only advise them on specific issues bring in global learnings and cross industry experience but who could also when required, roll their sleeves up and help them fix these problems,” says Gavin. “DB Results is known for being able to deliver practical advice and recommendations and when required, jump in and deliver the outcomes that this advice promised. More recently, we have extended our reach and influence to drive significant innovation and philanthropic activities and outcomes for society.”

The duo looks forward to 2022 with excitement and anticipation of the possibilities. Their proven capability to drive digital transformation in the industry, business, and the community has positioned DB Results well. The recent hardships encountered locally and globally and the “new COVID norm” have created an environment where innovation and technology advancement is being welcomed into the Health Industry. “We see the opportunity to drive significant digital transformation in the Health Industry. Our goal is to maximize this opportunity to fast-track the adoption of technology by the community and businesses towards driving better health and wellness outcomes,” says Gavin. “We will target government policy, business success and community-based programs to create examples of excellence in the effective use and benefits of digital technology. Our Melbourne Alive, MiOK and Wellness+ products are already driving major benefits for philanthropic companies and the wider community.” IE


DB Results


Gavin Bunshaw
Co-founder and Co-CEO of DB Results


DB Results is a digital business consulting and technology company. As Digital Business specialists, we empower our customers along every step of their journey from strategy to reality.

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