Alberto Allegretti, Owner of Mitech, 10 Best Entrepreneurs of Year 2020

Alberto Allegretti
Owner of Mitech

Alberto Allegretti, Owner of Mitech, 10 Best Entrepreneurs of Year 2020

“Invested in Innovation”

For Alberto Allegretti, Owner of Mitech the primary rule to becoming a successful entrepreneur is the awareness of working with a team of highly professional people: leave them freedom of choice prior having shared and discussed together the most important decisions concerning the growth of the company, respect everyone’s opinion, taking on your own responsibilities and, sometimes, also the ones of others. “Furthermore, another very important aspect is to be able to involve and delegate, which is a strong sign of trust in your collaborators,” he adds. “After having worked for several years as freelance professional, you realize about your own physical limits set by time. Mitech was born, from my will to grow and make other people together with me.”

"Mitech is an IT consultancy company which operates on complex systems, such as SAP, in order to address the needs of both Italian and international vendor, which are leader in their own business. "

Mitech is an IT consultancy company which operates on complex systems, such as SAP, in order to address the needs of both Italian and international vendor, which are leader in their own business. The most important challenge to tackle, in Alberto’s opinion, is to being able to adapt to the market always having a view towards the future, and how the technology may evolve. Thanks to the capabilities and the continuous upgrade of the competences of team, Mitech has been able to define a methodology that allows to address this challenge in the most effective way possible. Methodology which has to be evolved following the constant evolution of the market itself.

Integration has always been in the DNA of the company, facing projects related to both the integration between heterogeneous systems, and people who works in different business areas of a company. “In the first case, when we have to deal with the integration between systems, we use technological infrastructure that allows to centralize the management of data and messages exchanged between systems,” explains Alberto. “Concerning users, and the communication (integration) between different business areas, we create and customize Web portals to guarantee a secure access to the information to be shared between areas. In order to achieve these results, we use both proprietary and non-proprietary software depending on the business needs of the customer.”

Thanks to Mitech’s their professionality, they Mitech’s employee have a strong connection with the people whom they worked for (and with), so to cease to be seen as technical consultant but rather as technology mentor. In an instance, the company were contacted to carry out an integration project between third-part systems and SAP ERP. The customer had a rough idea on how to do it, but most of all there were only few weeks to complete it. Thanks to the competence acquired among the years, Mitech was able not only to suggest the best approach and technology to address the problem, but also enable all the required interactions between the systems within the very short time at their disposal. “Of course, the length duration of a project is strictly connected to its nature, but what I think is a great one of the greatest achievement of Mitech is the high professionality of the team, which lead to the capability to understand the situation in short time and quickly react when needed,” says Alberto.

Mitech is a dynamic company which constantly evolves following the technology. They invest a lot in training and updates in order to be as much competitive as possible on the market in relation to the application of the new technology. In particular, other than keep focusing and strengthen their knowledge on what has been its core business as system integrator, in the last years Mitech has put a focus started moving its first steps in on what concerns the topic of new scenarios recently enabled by technology, such as: smart cities, precision agriculture, and digital healthcare. Mitech is constantly investing in training and updating. “In the recent years, and especially exploiting the COVID-19 situation, we brought on the development of an integration platform based on the most up-to-date and open-source technology available on the market,” explains Alberto. “This allows us to widen the choice of tools among which we can choose when it comes to define the best scenario for a project.” Keeping an eye on both modern technology and software development approach, the aim of Alberto and his team is therefore to create and evolve a platform that might drive Mitech in the next decade as one of the most appealing partners for high-tech cutting edge projects.IE




Alberto Allegretti
Owner of Mitech


Mitech si distingue anche per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web e mobile per il business aziendale con il supporto di uno staff grafico in grado di rispondere a tutte le esigenze.

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