Michael Neidhoefer, CEO of ZREALITY has a strong track record of creating startup companies and build them to become successful software players. For example, he co-founded Netbiscuits, one of the leading mobile applications development platforms worldwide with more than 150 employees in North America, Europe and APAC serving customers such as eBay, Paypal, Axelspringer, Coca Cola or Procter & Gamble. Michael’s key expertise is to design, build, and sell software products and successfully position them to be a winner and scale fast. His years of experience defining cloud products, building successful business models and grow and international organization helped to quick start ZREALITY with its award-winning Sphere platform.
"The first content management platform for the Spatial Web: Present products in 3D, Mobile, Virtual & Augmented Reality."
The idea on ZREALITY was conceived by a founding team consisting of Michael (CEO), Torsten Lenhart (CTO) and Jan Knieriemen (COO). The team was consistently approached by customers who had key challenges in presenting complex products, such as vehicles, machinery, facilities, or real estate projects. At the same time major developments such as the acquisition of Oculus by Facebook showed the way for the founders that 3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality will become a huge market and not be just a short-term trend.
After going through the pains and complexity of creating 3D/AR/VR applications for customer every day, the idea was to revolutionize creation and delivery of such apps with an easy to use, Cloud-based platform product. Therefore, ZREALITY invented the world’s first multi-channel content management platform ‘Sphere’ for the Spatial Web. With Sphere, businesses can present products in superior 3D quality on the Web, in Mobile and VR/AR applications. Sphere is a Cloud platform and as easy to use as WordPress. It allows the creation and publishing of 3D apps with dynamic content and real time data to any device – without the need for programming skills.
ZREALITY leads the way in a market in which humans will work, communicate, and interact in the “Spatial Web” and 3D content will become a natural way of experiencing products becoming a natural extension to any website. Due to COVID staying in touch with customers virtually became an even more pressing issue for any business on this planet. At the same time the market has major challenges. Today there are still millions of products to visualize in 3D in high quality and building 3D, VR and AR applications is a task business cannot overcome due to the lack of know-how, skills and talent.
ZREALITY’s technology simplifies the process of creating 3D applications from the first design and modelling of a 3D environment to the integration of media and delivery to the end user. The platform - similar to Wordpress- works with templates for 3D environments, which can easily be customized with content and branded for any customer. Its core engine optimizes complex 3D content in a way so it is adapted automatically for different devices, their capabilities and available network bandwidth. And it has the capability to deliver 3D/VR/AR apps in the browser of any device allowing businesses to basically reach any user at any time. An integrated Cloud content management system allows non-technical editors to manage the applications and its content easily without coding.
One of the biggest achievements of the company has been the ZDF Virtual Museum (‘Digitale Kunsthalle’) project which has set a standard for virtual exhibitions in Germany and how people perceive 3D as a new medium and it continues to push the boundaries with large global brands on interactive 3D presentations. “Our Sphere platform has been successful quickly after its launch 2 years ago with large global corporations such as BASF, ZDF or IBM adopting the technology for their use,” adds Michael. “ZREALITY has a strong vision and roadmap for its product. Bringing products and services into the 3D-world is only the first step, the next frontier to conquer will be social interaction and how Virtual and Augmented Reality can play a crucial role in allowing humans to interact with each other in times of social distancing and beyond.”IE
Michael Neidhoefer
In the future humans will work, communicate and interact in the “Spatial Web” and 3D content will become a natural way of experiencing products. Today there are still millions of products to visualize in 3D in high quality. ZREALITY has invented the world’s first multi-channel content management platform ‘Sphere’ for the Spatial Web. With Sphere businesses can present products in superior 3D quality on the Web, in Mobile and VR/AR applications.